Jumble of a Day

May 23, 2012

I saw the above when I went to get some coffee today. It’s kind of apropos for where I am right now in my life. Sometimes things happen in life that are a turning point to bring you where you’re really supposed to be.  I keep telling myself that I never know where something is going to lead me in life.  
I feel like I’m waiting in line to ride a roller coaster, but I haven’t quite made it to the front of the line. I’m sort of nervous of the unknown, but secretly thrilled. I am trying REALLY hard to be patient, but sometimes I just want to run away from that line and hide somewhere safe–even though I’m not completely scared….
* * *
On a lighter note! (I feel like I always have to say something “lighter” after saying something serious.) Here is a picture of me wearing a skirt in the “real world” from The Curvy Elle! Business casual with the blazer or take the blazer off and you have plain casual! I love having a statement blazer, it adds a nice pop of color!
….AND me trying to photograph myself for the store, but that experiment obviously didn’t work! I really need some advice on taking pictures using a timer. They all turn out so bad!
(BTW, this dress and a few other things are coming VERY soon to The Curvy Elle Store. I just need some decent pictures first!)
Happy “Hump” Day everyone!


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