Social Media

The Curvy Elle Lately

July 23, 2013

I have become one savvy Instagram girl! I am starting to think more creatively and remember to take pictures when I normally would not have thought about it. I love being able to share with you all a little “snap shot” of my life and what I am doing on a daily basis for this blog and The Curvy Elle Shop.

1. A DIY/”Modern Vintage” skirt made by yours truly for The Curvy Elle brand.
2. A pair of vintage Ferragmo shoes in MY SIZE and good condition–I was jumping for joy!
3. Window shopping an antique shop and spied this doll of a garden statue! I want!

4. Chickens in the house?!?! And no, that’s not my house…. it’s erm… my mom’s
5. Working on a fabric banner for The Shop.
6. I thrifted so much, they had to give me a GARBAGE BAG!

7. Box of vintage SHOES! Left over picture from the move to my new STUDIO (!!!).
8. Another sign of being officially, official–I’m in the office building directory now!
9. Finally did some draping after not doing any for a very long time. Getting back into this design thang!

To see more in the life of The Curvy Elle, make sure to follow me on INSTAGRAM!


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Instagram Lately

July 10, 2013

Recently I joined Instagram and I thought I would give you all a little update on the pictures I’ve been posting lately. I’ve been a good little social media girl, so far when it comes to Instagram, and I hope to continue on down this path. Make sure to follow me there!

1. Signed a lease on an office space for The Curvy Elle Show Room & Office
2. First sale of one of my own designs/creations.
3. Doggie ears!

4. Extreme thrifting!
5. New business cards.
6. Fabric shopping in San Francisco.

7. Figuring out my next photo shoot look.
8. Vintage hat collection.
9. Photo shoot in my new “Photo Studio” wearing a pair of cute overalls!


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