Have you noticed once the holiday season begins, every blog post out there is titled something like “Baby it’s Cold Outside,” “It’s Beginning to Feel a Lot Like…,” and the like. I even admit to sometimes falling prey to this, but I have to say – I think we bloggers need to start getting a little more creative in the title department.
Have you ever noticed how increasingly insane people act as you get closer to the holidays? This year is no different. I have seen a bunch of car accidents and people acting erratically. Kind of scares me a bit, to be honest.
Eight more days until Christmas is here and I am proud to say that I actually have all my shopping done! I even bought a bunch of bags to wrap them in because I am not in the mood to do any real wrapping–go me!
Speaking of eight more days until Christmas–this means there is 8 more days left to enter the Holiday Giveaway! $50 store credit + store merch + goodie bag!

I’m Wearing…
Vintage Blue Cardigan: The Curvy Elle Shop << FOR SALE!
Vintage Plaid & Velvet Dress: The Curvy Elle Shop << FOR SALE!
Knee Socks: Target
Black Pumps: Vintage