Vintage Clothing

1960s and Nanny

July 22, 2012

My maternal grandmother, known to me as ‘Nanny,’ always prided herself on buying quality. She always wanted THE BEST in life. She wasn’t rich by any means, but she always thought in quality, not quantity when it  came to her purchases.

This outfit reminds me of her, especially since her heyday was in the 1960s. The house is also hers, or used to be (now my mom resides in it). Most of the furniture and  house goods are circa the 1960s. Her furniture traveled with her as she moved around the country throughout the 1960s and ’70s, until she and my grandfather finally settled in California to spend the remaining part of their lives.

My grandparents were from Utah originally and when they bought this house my grandmother installed this storm door. In Utah (where it actually snows) you need storm doors, in California not so much! It may have been useless, but it has become a pretty reminder of my grandmother.

The jewelry is also my grandmothers. She had a couple of different color versions of this necklace and wore them all the time throughout my childhood.  They match perfect to the outfit, which I can imagine her having worn.

My grandparents on their wedding day (photo colorized by me a long time ago for a school project):

Polka Dot Blouse: The Curvy Elle Shop (FOR SALE!)
Navy Pencil Skirt: The Curvy Elle Shop (FOR SALE!)
Necklace: Originally my granmother’s, vintage.
Pearl Ring: Originally my grandmother’s costume jewelry circa 1960s.
Black Sandals: Cheap Monday

Purple Passion (New in Store)

July 13, 2012

Purple Abstract Print Midi Dress (Size 20)

 Lace Collar Floral Dress (Size 2XL)

Faux Layered Color Black Blouse (Size 14/16)

Polka Dot Midi Skirt (Size 22/24)

Paisley Floral Shirt Dress (Size 18)

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