
Like Me & I’ll Like You

September 2, 2012

“Like me and I’ll like you back!”–but, I know that you know that we may never actually bother with each other or read each others blogs. You’re just a number. I’m just a number.  And it’s all just a game.

Is it just me or is the mutual liking/following/etc. back and forth become almost spam like? It seems that some people act a little entitled about it.

I (personally) want someone to follow me in any form because they like my blog, my shop, and/or think I have something interesting to say. The same goes for me when I visit a fellow blogger.

I am always about quality versus quantity. I am, also, all for supporting each other when we believe in what we are supporting. I’d rather have 20 loyal readers/followers, than 1,000 mutual ‘likes.’

My question to my fellow bloggers: what is your view on mutual liking/following in the mass proportion that it has become?

Being Plus Size & The Fashion Industry

August 18, 2012


I didn’t really know about the whole IFB controversy until the last couple of days (I guess I’m kinda oblivious–sorry!), so I don’t know all the details around it. BUT, reading up on it got me thinking…


I have lived, gone to school, interned, and worked in the New York Fashion Industry, in the Fashion Design field.


Even though people aren’t supposed to judge on weight, they still do. Even more so in New York City and even more than that in the Fashion Industry.


I have had first hand experience being looked over and exceeded by women that are thinner and have a certain ‘look’–who match the the Industry’s ‘ideal’.  I might have worked just as hard as them or EVEN HARDER, but looks and thinness over rule a majority of the time.


It is sad and I hate to admit it, but it’s true.


Of course, there is always the other side of the coin, but that is harder to see in the Fashion Industry.


The reality of it is, at least right now, is that it’s MOTHER FUCKING HARD TO BE FAT AND WORK IN A FASHION RELATED JOB.


I am telling you the point blank truth.


Add in the job shortage and the plethora of silly women wanting to vie for under payed and overworked positions–you end up with a lot of back stabbing and shallowness.


In the end, if you want to work in the Industry you have to have a thick skin, balls of steel, and an undying passion…because it will try you, time and time again.


My passion has never died for the Fashion Industry, but I have found that I can’t live that way. I want to be a part of the Industry, but on my own terms. I want to live a happy, fullfilled life where I can make some sort of difference.


That is why I am here.


Doing my own thing.


Doing the Fashion Industry on my OWN terms… and at ANY size.


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