Plus Size

[Plus Size + Pregnant] 3rd Trimester

September 2, 2015




The third trimester hit me with a vengeance in week 29/30. It started right before my husband and I were set to leave on our Honey Moon to Hawaii. The fatigue, lack of energy, dehydration, etc. have been killer. I can definitely tell that I am getting to the end of things! I thought I’d give you guys a little update on myself and The Curvy Elle.



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1. Getting Bigger!


Right before leaving for my Honey Moon in Hawaii, it was like my baby bump exploded! I really started to look pregnant (along with really feeling pregnant) — see the above picture of my belly from Hawaii. Added to this, it is also getting harder to move around, get out of bed, get things done…




2. Honey Moon


As mentioned above, I went on my Honey Moon in Hawaii. We didn’t end up going right after our wedding due to work obligations for my husband. Hawaii was lovely in so many ways, but also very hard for a 7 months pregnant lady. It was exceptionally hot and humid due to time of year and the impending hurricane. But, we made the best of it! We didn’t get to do as much as we hoped, but we got to swim, see some of the sights, and most importantly RELAX and spend some quality time together.


The view of the beach at our hotel:



Sunset view from our hotel room balcony on the 24th floor:





3. Baby Shower


This past Saturday was my baby shower. My long time friend and my mom did a majority of the work (along with the rest of my family). My friend got all the decorations and went all out — even getting a helium tank and blowing up a shit ton of balloons. Everything looked great and I had a great time (even though I was super pooped by the end of it). I really appreciated all the work everyone put into making me, my husband, and our baby girl  feel special! This was one of those “once in a lifetime” events and it definitely felt that way!


(Picture below shows me helping out with all the balloons at the shower.)





4. She’s a Kicker!


She’s been kicking for a while now, but man has she gotten crazy with those kicks! Some days, it feels like an all day event! I was at the doctor’s yesterday, and it took the doctor about 10-15 minutes to find her heart rate with the Doppler because she was kicking and moving around so much.


Last week, I was at my mom’s house resting on the couch. One of our dogs jumped up and was laying on my side with his arm pushed into my belly. The baby did not like that! She went nuts kicking in the exact spot where his arm was! My dad said, “I think she’s going to be ornery!”




5. Nesting


Along with getting the finishing touches ready on the nursery, I’ve also gotten a bug up my butt to make things. I’ve been sewing up a storm! I’ve currently made my baby a quilt, a pair of booties, and a stuffed bunny rabbit. There is something special about making something one of a kind for your very own baby. My mom has also gotten in the kick, making the baby a few blankets.








6. Being Plus Size & Pregnant


I honestly thought that being plus size and pregnant would be a bigger issue than it has been. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure that is not true for every plus size girl who goes through pregnancy. For me, it really hasn’t been a part of the issue. I’ve just been a pregnant girl.


When I first became pregnant, I thought being plus size and pregnant would be this great big issue I’d have to talk about. But, it hasn’t. The only thing that has been somewhat challenging is finding plus size maternity clothes — which even that hasn’t been that big of a deal.  Another thing is — people have been less likely to ask me if I am pregnant. I think they are not sure if I am pregnant or just fat. This has been less the case the farther along I get, but I know I get less belly harassment than my thinner counterparts.


I’m very grateful for some of the ease of my pregnancy (even though it hasn’t been all smooth sailing). I’m very lucky in a lot of ways (so far, I mean! Can we knock on some wood please?!).





7. What’s Up with The Curvy Elle?


The reality lately is — it’s been really hard for me to work. I have little energy and haven’t been up for photos or dressing up. I am still keeping up with The Curvy Elle Shop and will continue to do so after the baby is born, things just may be a little bit slower. I do plan on closing shop for a few weeks for “Maternity Leave” once the baby is born. I honestly don’t know how things will be in the future, but I plan on working to keep my little shop and blog going. I guess you can say, “let’s play it by ear.”





8. Overall


Things have been getting a whole lot realer these days! This baby is coming — sooner, rather than later! It’s scary and amazing all at the same time. I can’t wait for this baby girl to be born! My husband and I are excited to meet her and welcome her into our little family — not to mention how excited the rest of my family is to have a new baby coming (this is the first baby in my immediate family since I was born almost 30 years ago!).




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Check out more in the series of posts, titled ‘Plus Size + Pregnant’ !




5 Favorite Vintage Dresses (Plus Size)

July 31, 2015

I always love a good vintage dress and am always on the lookout for more dresses for The Curvy Elle Shop. Here are a five of my current new favorite plus size vintage dresses added to The Curvy Elle Shop.






  1. Vintage Navy Floral Dress (Plus Size)
  2. Vintage Red Peasant Dress (Plus Size )
  3. Vintage Pink Floral Dress (Plus Size)
  4. Vintage Navy Polka Dot Dress (Plus Size)
  5. Vintage Neon Green Floral Maxi Dress (Plus Size)




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