Plus Size

Curvy Elle Lately

April 6, 2016

Today I was thinking about the fact that next month will be The Curvy Elle’s fourth anniversary. It’s really crazy to think about how my life has changed since then. At the time, I was living in New York City, working at a job I didn’t care for, and doing my “dream job.”


Now, I’m living back in California, I’m married, and have a five month old baby girl. I knew back then, that I wanted to get married, have a family, etc. — but it was in the abstract. It’s both wonderful and crazy that it now has come to fruition.  Four years ago, I had a dream of starting The Curvy Elle — and I did it! And even before that, I had a dream to one day have a family — and, now, I’m doing it!


It’s really proves that you never know what will happen with your life in a years time…


Here is a little update on things going on with The Curvy Elle and me  lately. (For more, follow me on Instagram!)





1.  It was 90 degrees out today. Here is a selfie of Lorelai and I taking in some fresh air in our backyard (of our old house).

2.  My husband and I are home owners! We purchased this cute little house in March and are excited to get it fixed up, so we can move in!




3.  A beautiful old vintage chandelier that was left in the garage of our new house by the previous owner. I really want to clean it up and try to use it somewhere in the house.

4.  Lately, I’ve been trying to make a point of getting out of my yoga pants and leggings, and put on some real clothes (a difficult feat with a baby!). I’ve been trying to document this on Instagram with OOTD posts.




5.  A picture from a photo shoot for The Curvy Elle Shop I did recently (and when I say “recently,” it means since I gave birth! haha). I love the light from this unedited shot.

6.  Baby wearing in Target! Plus size women can baby wear too! Find what works for you, your body, and your baby. I own 4 different types and interchange them periodically.







Body Image + Post Pregnancy (Plus Size)

February 13, 2016



I didn’t really have any problem with my pregnant body. I knew it was fleeting and I was happy to be growing my baby. The first few weeks after giving birth I was just so amazed at how “thin” I felt after losing my baby belly, that I didn’t even really think about my size. I actually dropped the 30 pounds I had gained in about 2-3 weeks naturally.


Once I started to forget about my pregnant body and only kept looking at my post pregnancy body, I could feel a shift in my mind. Even though I pride myself in having a good self image, I do still sometimes have to fight extra hard to stay positive. I found myself starting to get into a negative viewpoint of myself. Not being able to exercise or make healthy meals because I was so busy with a new baby made this especially hard.


Even though I am aware of the easiness to fall into the pit of a negative view point, I still had those negative thoughts. I realized how much negativity is ingrained in my brain. It is one thing to be a logical, intellectual adult. It is another to be in an emotional thought pattern.


These thoughts made me realize that I will always be fighting this body image fight. No matter if it is having a baby, having loss, life changes, etc. There will always be something put in my way to try and make me feel a certain way. Even at my smallest I had these thoughts. It all comes down to keep fighting the fight and staying strong.


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