Plus Size

6 Favorite Spring Dresses (Plus Size)

April 7, 2015




Spring is here (yay!) and that means spring fashion is too! I always enjoy a change is season (fashion wise) to get a revitalization to what’s out there. Here are a few of my Favorite Spring Plus Size Dresses currently available in the retail world (both vintage and non).




  1. High Socie-tea Dress in Flower Box  (ModCloth)
  2. Plus Size Vintage Blue & White Stripe Dress  (The Curvy Elle)
  3. Embroidered Lace Dress  (Forever 21+)
  4. Plus Size Marieke Dress  (Rachel Pally/Zappos)
  5. Body Conscious Dress is Orchid  (Asos Curve)
  6. Flounce Cami Maxi Dress  (Forever 21+)


REVIEW: Target’s New Plus Size Line

April 1, 2015

(Picture Source)


I’ve actually been wanting to write this for a long time, but I’ve wanted to contemplate it some more.  I’m sure you all know about Target’s new plus size line, Ava + Viv. (Read a background article here.) This new line came about after a lot of controversy surrounding the fact that Target has repeatedly ignored and under appreciated their plus size customers. The line was meant to be more stylish than the previous plus size line they offered. They also hired on three plus size bloggers to give input, show case, and promote the new line (Gabi Gregg from Gabi Fresh, Nicolette Mason, and Chastity Garner from Garner Style).


I have been following Target’s plus size line (or lack there of) for as long as I can remember (or at least as long as they have had a plus size section), so I have seen the evolution of this section through the years. I think it’s great that target reached out to “real” plus size girls (the three bloggers) and that they put effort into trying with the plus size line (it is definitely a start). When this new line was released, I had really high hopes (talk about hype in the media!). But, after viewing the Ava + Viv Look Book and seeing the actual line in store — I don’t really see much change.  Here are some things that I observed about the new line and the in-store section (after visiting 3 different store multiple times since the Ava + Viv’s launch in February 2015):


  • The pieces look about the same as their previous collection with a few “fashion” pieces thrown in. The only differences looks to be a new logo and advertising.
  • The in-store plus size section, is still next to and intermixed with the maternity section.
  • Of the three different Target stores I have visited in the San Francisco Bay Area, all three had  poor merchandising and visibility. (During a lot of my visits, the plus size section was a mess.)
  • Target’s new use of their mannequin setup for each “department” or category within the women’s section (most of the time) showcases the section nicely and has given a nice facelift the store’s clothing departments. This update does not seem to appear to be translated to the racks and shelves. The racks and shelves in the plus size section (as well as the rest of the women’s department) seem to be either over packed with too many styles or almost empty.
  • No real obvious translation of fashion pieces from the “regular” sized line, except for basics.




 (Above pictures were taken at my local Target on the afternoon of April 1, 2015.)


Don’t get me wrong — I applaud Target for trying, but, truth be told, I can’t see how they have tired hard enough. There are so many cute “regular” sized items that would translate wonderfully into plus size, why isn’t this being done?


Am I the only one out there that thinks this new line isn’t as great as it’s been hyped to be? Why hasn’t there really been any negative press/view points out there about this new line? What do you think of this new line? Here are a few examples of some lovely “regular” sized pieces I’d love to see in plus size (and would most likely actually buy!).



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–> Make sure to check out my previous post on Target, “An Open Letter to Target: Plus Size Customers.”

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