New York

1 Year Ago Today…

May 12, 2012

It was one year ago today when I stepped off a curb in San Francisco and turned my life upside-down.

I had made big plans for Summer 2011.  I was going to finish up my second (and final) semester in grad school for Fashion Design and I was going to spend the summer interning in New York City. I had one last week of school left and I was flying to New York a few days later. I had my housing all worked out and interviews lined up. I was excited and raring to go!

That morning, I was in my patternmaking class. We were finishing up sewing our final project coats and turning in our patterns for it. I had forgotten to bring a pattern hook. My friend in class also forgot some supplies, so we decided to run to the art store down the street real quick before class really got started.

We headed out and were directly across the street from the art store. I stepped down first to cross, but instead of being able to step down like normal, both my ankles turned out. I heard a crack and collapsed to the  ground. To make a long story short, I had my first ambulance ride and spent all day in the ER. The prognosis: right leg broken and had to be reset, left leg severely sprained. I later learned that I would have surgery on my broken leg to put a metal plate and six screws in. I could barely walk–crying whenever I had to hobble on my badly sprained left leg with crutches.

This was my SPRAINED ankle, you don’t even want to see the broken one–especially after surgery! I was one sad case!

A day or so after my accident, before my surgery took place.

Before I even knew what my actual injuries were, I knew one thing for certain–I wouldn’t be going to New York. Not with the kind of injuries I sustained–not that summer at least…

During all the recovery period, I had a lot of time to sit and think. A lot of people would have taken this accident as a sign to give up on something like moving to New York and pursuing their dreams. It did the opposite for me.  I was determined, more than EVER, to follow my dreams!

After a long summer of recovery, I made my way to New York. On August 31, 2011 I landed at JFK airport–ready to take the fashion industry by storm! Ever since then life has been non stop. I never have had any down time. I’ve gone from experience to experience with no time to think twice. I have interned in my desired field and can now call myself an actual DESIGNER. Of course, it hasn’t been easy, but I’ve done it! 

The accident that happened one year ago today could have been a show stopper, but I didn’t let it be. It made me stronger and more determined to do what I want (and need) to do in my life. I will think of this anniversary each year as a time for reflection of all that I have accomplished since that fateful day.

If the Laurel of May 12, 2011 knew what Laurel of May 12, 2012 had accomplished after this life altering day, I know she would be damned proud of her!

Right before my first internship interview, my second day in New York. September 2011.

Life (by New York Standards)

May 9, 2012

Living in New York can be an other-worldly experience. Disneyland with a little grit and poop (literally) mixed in. I was serious about the poop comment. Watch where you’re walking when you’re here or –oops!

Literally you have the beautiful storybook-esque on the same street that you have dirt and grime and poverty.


What I also mean by the Disneyland part is, the fact that you feel like you are on a movie set most of the time. The buildings are sometimes too perfect and people are dressed to a “T”–even if it’s the homeless look and that scarf falls in a too perfect manner. Yet, everyone acts as if they don’t give a shit what everyone else is wearing or doing or saying. So, is it for themselves or everyone else?

In New York, I know that I can wear whatever (and I mean WHATEVER) and no one looks twice. In its own way, it has given me a confidence in how I dress myself. My newest fashion motto is: “If I look like a ‘hot mess,’ who gives a shit?! I probably won’t ever see that person again anyway, and if I do they probably won’t even remember me!”

Last fall I went on an interview. Afterwards, I sat down on a bench to change into my comfortable shoes. After doing so, I walked a whole city block before I heard a man’s voice calling out behind me: “Ma’am! Ma’am! Excuse me!” Confused I turned around, and he goes on to say, “Your skirt’s pulled up in the back.”

When I had gotten up from the park bench, I did not realize it, but my dress had been pulled up by my bag when I slung it back over my shoulder. Mortified, I thanked him profusely. Of course he had to turn it from an act of kindness into an act of slime ball proportion by saying, “No, THANK YOU!”

At first, I thought I was going to die of embarrassment, but then I thought about where I was and what I was doing, and I said “Who gives a shit! I’ll never see that guy or anyone who saw my ass again!”

Even with body image and looks–you have the good with the bad. Yes, I can wear whatever the hell I feel like, but then I have to compete with beautiful size zeros and most people are so superficial when it comes to size in this city. Life in New York is definitely a mixed bag–and you have to take both for what they are and stay strong to succeed. Life here is extra wonderful AND extra hard.

So, you just have to laugh and smile!

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