New York
Jumble of a Day
May 23, 2012
Weekend Doings
May 20, 2012
These pictures were taken on the roof of my building by my friend and fellow tenant, Katherine. I live in one of the last women’s residents in New York City. Sometimes it is like living in a big crazy dorm. It is a plethora of eclectic women ranging from 18 to probably 80 years old. There are women who have lived there for 30+ years, students from Europe, business women, interns…. Makes for an interesting place to live. It is a nice place to call home for the time being.
I had been hoping that the roof would be empty, so I wouldn’t have people watching me–but, alas, we were not along. Even though I really enjoying doing photo shoots, I’m still getting used to being a center of attention.
This is the view from the roof. The tallest building in the center of the last photo is the new World Trade Tower. Amazingly sad to see. New York City, you are so beautiful and ugly all at the same time.