New York

California Vs. New York

June 12, 2012

One of the things I really love about New York (in context of fashion and clothing) is that you can wear ANYTHING, and I really mean ANYTHING and no one bats an eye. I’ve gotten so used to it that. The freedom of making mistakes in fashion and not having laser eyes judging.

When I go home, I kind of forget that everywhere else in the United States is not like New York City. People look twice if you dress or act out of the norm. People know you and remember you. It makes you think about what you’re doing more. Makes you want to really mean what you’re doing, because it really has to stand for who you are. Fashion is an art form that we do every day. It’s your persona.

When I’m home it makes me think about how I’m dressed because it means something. I stand out in a crowd here, where as in New York you are one of the sea of millions who walk the island every day.

I love that in New York, the abnormal is the normal. The boring is what makes you look twice more than the crazy. I love that in California I can stand out and be heard more. There are less voices to over power my own individualism.

What is better– a place where you have to have strong convictions and balls with your appearances or being one of many crazies? I guess they are both just different, not better or worse. You have to have gumption either way…

Follow The Curvy Elle

Upcycled Dress

June 5, 2012

Yesterday, I made this dress from a Vintage Thrifted Top I bought and some scrap sample yardage of fabric from a past internship. I guess the term for this is ‘Upcycling‘– “the process of converting waste materials or useless products into new materials or products of better quality or a higher environmental value.” (This term is new to me!)

It was pretty easy and fun process. I like the idea of reinventing something into a different form. I have more ideas on ways to do this, and I may start selling these in my shop! (Of course in Plus Size!)


I really like the rugged and semi-unfinshed quality of the dress. I  used a zig-zag stitch to give is a certain “je ne sais quoi.”



My new thing to hunt for: items to transform and fabric yardage of some sort! I’ve definitely got my feet itching to try out some more ideas!



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