Healthy Living

6 Sensitive Skin Favorites

July 17, 2014

I am not usually one for talking beauty products, because frankly, I know enough to get by and take care of myself, BUT I am in no way an expert. I decided to write this post to help out other sensitive skin sufferers out there. It has taken me many, many years to find products that work for me (lots of trial and error). I am allergic to most soaps, detergents, fragrances, etc. Here are six products that I use on a regular (if not DAILY) basis. Most of these products are either fragrance free or have a light scent. My number one suggestion with skin care products is — DO NOT BE CHEAP! Your face is the first thing people see and you only have one, so take care of it!



  1. Aveda All-Sensitive Facial Cleanser & Moisturizer (My go-to product for the last 6+ years. The only thing that has worked for my skin! Used daily since first purchased.)

  2. Dr. Jart Water Fuse Beauty Balm (BB) Cream, SPF 25 (For make-up days! Just enough coverage and not harsh or oil-ie on the skin.)

  3. Bio Oil (Mixed with facial moisturizer and body lotion at night. Softens skin!)

  4. Andalou Naturals Un-Tinted Beauty Balm (BB), SPF 30 (My favorite SPF/facial product for non-make-up day — which, admittedly, is most days! Citrus scent in a nice bright smell and doesn’t over power.)

  5. Burt’s Bees Ultra Conditioning Lip Balm (Light, soft scent and great moisturizing. I use this every day.)

  6. Aveda Rosemary Mint Shampoo & Conditioner (Light and doesn’t irritate my sensitive scalp and skin. Great for thin/fine hair. Another product with a light, non-overpowering scent.)

Plus Size Healthy Living: Going Gluten/Lactose Free

April 2, 2013

I have had a rocky couple of weeks this past month (when it comes to my poor stomach). I am lactose intolerant, but I’ve gone on eating dairy like there’s no tomorrow. I did it to myself. My stomach has been killing me after eating each night for about a month now. It finally got so bad that I have had to say: “NO MORE!” 

I was feeling so terrible that I knew I had to make a change. So, I made the decision to go gluten and lactose free for now. It has only been about a week, but I already feel the difference in my stomach and waistline (I think I lost a couple of pounds already! Which was more of an added bonus, than my actual goal.)

My point of bringing this up is not to tell everyone they need to go gluten free or lactose free, because it is a fairly challenging thing to do. My point is meant to show how we can get into bad habits that are wrecking havoc with our body, but we can’t stop doing them.  Sometimes, we need to listen to our body because it will usually give us the right answer if you are treating it well.

As I’ve mentioned before, I don’t think anyone should have a goal of “getting thin.” It should be a goal about feeling good in your body. Being healthy and treating your body well.

I have also kept up with my exercise regime I mentioned previously (except for this last week, when I’ve been sick). I am proud of myself in the place I am at right now. The goal for the future is to continue doing what I’m doing!

Anyone else out there finding healthy living challenges and succeeding?

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