2014 Recap (Professional & Personal)

December 29, 2014


I sit and write this as I wait for my boyfriend’s plane to come in. He is coming home after visiting his family in the Mid-West for Christmas. Thinking of him reminds me of this year. He has made 2014 such an exceptional year. I am so grateful to have had him come into my life. 2014 has (of course) had it’s ups and downs, but all-in-all, it’s been a great year for me! Personally, it’s been wonderful.  Professionally, it’s been good, but a hard year. Hard decisions have had to be made, but they have been the right decisions.  I’m excited about new ventures and new ones to come. This year has been a good start for even greater things to come – here’s to thinking positive for 2015!

( I probably missed some things on this list, but here are a few things from this year.)


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1. Blog Changes

Moved the blog from Blogger to WordPress (a major endeavor, but worth the work and hassle!).


2. Romantic Life Changes

Met a great guy and moved in with said guy! You can’t imagine how happy this makes me. (You can also add, moved to a new city to this!)


3. Elle Enfant

Started my new shop, Elle Enfant. This shop sells children’s vintage and modern fashions. I’m having so much fun diving into a new venture and completely different market!


4. Show Room/Office Changes

In July, I made the hard decision to move The Curvy Elle office and show room out of the office space I was renting. I am happy I made this decision and am in a much better place (financially and emotionally) by this choice. No sad faces about this decision!


5. Knowledge is Power

In May, I will celebrate the 3rd anniversary of The Curvy Elle Shop, and this year, I have really felt like I know my business and customer. I have been able to make more succinct decisions in product choices for the shop. This has made a change in the finances and waste, just because I make less mistakes as a buyer and designer (don’t get me wrong, I still make ‘em!).


6. Body Image

Going on almost 30, I look back at myself at 20  and my self image, and they don’t even compare. Yes, I was smaller in size, but NO, I did not see myself in as positive a view as I do now. I still fight with myself and my view of my body, but more and more it is easier to overcome a bad self view and have more confidence in myself. Time heals, as they say, and life experience gives you a different perspective.





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