Usually, I do not have dreams that repeat or continue from a previous night. The other night/morning I had this dream that basically involved me misplacing my car and trying to find it when (all of a sudden) an apocalyptic event happens. The world was basically ending, but I was obsessed with finding my car. I had this dream, woke up for about an hour, then fell back to sleep to the dream continuing.
Either I am watching too many apocalyptic type shows, or I’m starting to get the holiday anxiety going on. I guess the latter, or a mix of the two… No more Walking Dead for me? No!!
Thursday is Thanksgiving– which marks the beginning of the real hard core holiday season and Christmas shopping. In honor of Thanksgiving and Black Friday, I will be having a SALE at The Curvy Elle Shop. Believe me, it is going to be GOOD!! Check back Wednesday for the details. For now, enjoy this week’s newest additions to The Curvy Elle Shop.